SIGA Vision displays are the best option for attracting players to your tables, and acquiring high-quality data to enhance security and management decisions and support remote gaming.

Combined with TOM Surveillance, SIGA Vision displays revolutionize table-mounted display signs and extend their scope to new levels. TOM unlocks real-time interaction between players and live table games, allowing complex side-games to be implemented, and gives the operator intelligent and automatic surveillance of events on the table.

The key advantages of the SIGA display system are:


The layout and behaviour of the display is scriptable and can be adapted to support any game, including complex side-bets and progressives, indicating both participation and payout.

Remotely Managed

Settings and media are updated over the network; no need to configure displays for tables in advance. Media changes for special occasions can be distributed from one location

Smoothest graphics

Highly optimised software ensures a smooth 60 frames per second even with multiple simultaneous videos and streaming media. Widest Choice of Media options: Support almost any compressed video format and streaming media.


The fully solid-state and non-Windows controller is fast to boot, never does any system updates or maintenance, and is completely robust against power interruptions.


Acquires data from any gaming hardware (such as sensor roulette wheels, card reading shoes) or from network or USB cameras around the table.


All game results and events are stored in a database and can be queried to produce reports via the TOM system.

SIGA Vision is available for the following games, and others on request: